Tono-Pen Tune-Up

Free Tono-Pen Tune-Up

Are you finding that your Tono-Pen no longer performs at peak efficiency as it should? Well, don’t worry; that’s why we’re here. All you have to do is send us your tonometer, and we’ll have a seasoned professional perform a comprehensive tune-up.

What can you expect after the handheld Tono-Pen inspection? You’ll enjoy an improved performance that will extend the life and enhance the performance of your tonometer. If your equipment needs more than a simple once-over, we also provide reliable Tono-Pen repair services. This service is perfect for when you’re not ready to part ways with your current Tono-Pen. We’ll clean, recalibrate, repair, and test your Tono-Pen for a flat rate. Our quality tonometer repair services will fix your pen right the first time.

Our free Tono-Pen inspection includes:

  • Performance Evaluation
  • Maintenance Inspection
  • Battery Replacement
  • Transducer Cleaning

As a thank you to our customers for their long-term dedication and support of our focus—manufacturing tonometer tip covers—we offer this tonometer inspection service free of charge. What a deal!

After you send your Tono-Pen in for a free tune-up, feel free to look around on our website because Tono-Pen repair services aren’t our only specialty. We offer high-quality products you’ll surely want to stock up on before you run low. We here at Automated Ophthalmics carry everything you may need—from Tono-Pen tip covers to various styles of punctum plugs.

Well, what seems to be holding you back? Send us your tonometer straightaway. Don’t forget to include your request for a tune-up along with your contact information so we know where to send the pen when we finish. We only ask that you pay the shipping costs.

Please feel free to contact us to get started today; we look forward to bringing your Tono-Pen back to its peak state!
